手指矯形器 VACO HAND RIGHT右手 (1)
手指矯形器 VACO HAND RIGHT右手 (2)
手指矯形器 VACO HAND RIGHT右手 (3)
手指矯形器 VACO HAND RIGHT右手 (4)
手指矯形器 VACO HAND RIGHT右手 (5)
手指矯形器 VACO HAND RIGHT右手 (6)
手指矯形器 VACO HAND RIGHT右手 (7)
手指矯形器 VACO HAND RIGHT右手 (8)

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手指矯形器 VACO HAND RIGHT右手 VACOhand Radius Advantages at a Glance Immobilisation and stabilisation of the wrist with ability to completely move the fingers Lattice structure provides stability similar to a plaster cast Vacuum cushion forms perfectly to individual patient ‘s anatomy and can be adjusted to accommodate swelling and atrophy One orthosis for both: immobilisation and mobilisation of the wrist (All-in-One-Product) Release of the orthosis joint (ROM – Range of Motion) enables early mobilisation of the wrist Changeable liners for hygiene and comfort Clinically proven results* Easy wound inspection simplifies treatment Radiolucent. Saves time and gives comfort if x-ray is needed Traceability by serial number simplifies logistic processes。 This product is available to: Public Hospitals Private Hospitals Surgeons Patients (with consent from the clinical team) Athletes and sports professionals and their associated clubs Physiotherapists Sport Physicians 請參考下免網址 Please refer to the URL https://hand.oped.com.au/vacohand-radius/#

