Reading Together Fairy Tale Phonics Collection (-RTFT-) (1)
Reading Together Fairy Tale Phonics Collection (-RTFT-) (2)
Reading Together Fairy Tale Phonics Collection (-RTFT-) (3)
Reading Together Fairy Tale Phonics Collection (-RTFT-) (4)
Reading Together Fairy Tale Phonics Collection (-RTFT-) (5)
Reading Together Fairy Tale Phonics Collection (-RTFT-) (6)
Reading Together Fairy Tale Phonics Collection (-RTFT-) (7)
Reading Together Fairy Tale Phonics Collection (-RTFT-) (8)
Reading Together Fairy Tale Phonics Collection (-RTFT-) (9)

卖Reading Together Fairy Tale Phonics Collection (-RTFT-)最好的价格



幼幼初階版自然發音學習+貼紙+描寫練習+童話故事+共讀共學... 5 years + 27.5cm x 21.5cm 24頁/本,這套8本 封面有燙金.超精美^^ . 【互動性很好的】 【自然發音Phonics學習】 【幼幼初階版^^】 【小班~開始都適合】 🌹這套→童話故事+自然發音+貼紙+灰底字跟著描寫+封面燙金超精美… 前年進過, 有用過的團員跟我反應說超好用^^ . 😊更棒的是^^ 童話故事劇情用字不難, 也很適合想跟孩子一起開始學的爸爸/媽媽^^ 念童話故事給孩子聽的當下 家長自己也能一步步跟著孩子一起進步唷 【好書推薦^^】 With familiar fairy tales, this eight-book collection is perfect for children to share with their parents as they begin to learn about phonics. Including Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Puss in Boots, the fairy tales have been carefully retold to help children develop their decoding skills and link different letters to distinct sounds.There are also sounding out and word-building activities to partake in. All the books come with 70 reusable stickers and there's even a poster which features all 44 sounds that are practised in the books. There are also helpful hints for grown-ups on what sounds they should focus on while they read, scattered throughout the books. Titles in this collection (8) Goldilocks and the Three Bears Little Red Riding Hood The Three Little Pigs Cinderella Sleeping Beauty Puss in Boots Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The Princess and the Peas =====================


