Prepared: What Kids Need for a /Diane Tavenner 誠品eslite (1)
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Prepared: What Kids Need for a /Diane Tavenner 誠品eslite (3)
Prepared: What Kids Need for a /Diane Tavenner 誠品eslite (4)

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比爾‧蓋茲2019冬季選書TOP5! 長久以來僵化的教育體系,需要大刀闊斧的改革創新! 作者Diane Tavenner是一位專業的教育家,更是一位母親。2003年創辦第一所學校(Summit Public Sc​​hools),新穎的教學方式獲得矚目和認可。其校99%的學生畢業後都得以進入大學,且結業比率是一般學生的兩倍! 和傳統的教育方針截然不同,Summit Public Sc​​hools並非以競爭來推促學生學習、亦不執著於排名或考試分數。相反的,學校考量每個人的脾性天賦,以「自信」、「自我學習能力」、「自律管理」為學習中心目標,並全力聚焦在「解決現實世界問題」的出發點上。讓學生們在學習的過程中,能有自我尋找答案和反思的自覺。 作者分享辦學一路歷程,以及在各領域實行此教學法的經驗。幫助讀者們做好準備,在畢業後直接和社會接軌,不再茫然與社會脫節、不知自己學習初衷。 如今,全美成千上萬的師生開始實施此種全新學習模式,想必未來將掀起一波教育改革潮流! An educator and mother, Diane Tavenner founded the first Summit school in 2003. Summit Public Schools has won national recognition because ninety-nine percent of Summit students get into a four-year college, and Summit students finish college at twice the national average. But in a radical departure from the environments created by the college admissions arms race, Summit students aren't focused on competing with their classmates for rankings or test scores. Instead, they spend their days solving real-world problems and developing the skills of self-direction, collaboration, and reflection, all of which prepare them to succeed in college, thrive in today's workplace, and lead a secure and fulfilled life. Today, thousands of educators, tens of thousands of students, and hundreds of schools across thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia have embraced the Summit model. Through the personal stroies and the hard-earned lessons of Summit's exceptional team of educators and diverse students, Diane shares the underlying learning philosophies and unconventional wisdom that lead to all children being prepared for school and life. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681842012000 ISBN13/9781984826060 ISBN10/1984826069 EAN/9781984826060 頁數/304 尺寸/21.6X14.5X3.1CM 級別/無 裝訂/精裝 語言/英文 用電/N ■作者簡介Diane TavennerDiane Tavenner is the cofounder and CEO of Summit Public Schools, a nationally-recognized nonprofit that operates fifteen public middle and high schools in California and Washington. She developed a school model centered on real-world experiences, self-direction, collaboration, and reflection—preparing all students to suceed in college, thrive in today's workplace, and lead a secure and fulfilled life. Summit has earned many accolades and distinctions, most notably American's Best High Schools from U.S. News & World Report, America's Most Challenging High Schools by the Washington Post, and one of the world's Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in Education by Fast Company. A lifelong educator, Diane spent a decade as a public school teacher, administrator, and leader in traitional urban and suburban public schools throughout California. She is on the board of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning. She has a degree in psychology and sociology from USC and an MA in administration and policy from Stanford University.




