National Geographic Kids Readers Collection - 10 Books(NGKR) (1)
National Geographic Kids Readers Collection - 10 Books(NGKR) (2)
National Geographic Kids Readers Collection - 10 Books(NGKR) (3)
National Geographic Kids Readers Collection - 10 Books(NGKR) (4)
National Geographic Kids Readers Collection - 10 Books(NGKR) (5)
National Geographic Kids Readers Collection - 10 Books(NGKR) (6)
National Geographic Kids Readers Collection - 10 Books(NGKR) (7)
National Geographic Kids Readers Collection - 10 Books(NGKR) (8)
National Geographic Kids Readers Collection - 10 Books(NGKR) (9)

卖National Geographic Kids Readers Collection - 10 Books(NGKR)最好的价格



4 years + 22.8cm x 16.2cm 國家地理分級閱讀全彩版兒童百科書系列10本 寫真圖片最初階 10本全彩科普讀本 4本Level 1 6本Level 2 主題: 動物/城市國家/自然-日夜 培養孩子對自然、社會、百科知識 適合幼稚園學生和小學生的課外讀物 推薦給想入手第一套百科類書的小讀者 10讀本書目: Hang On, Monkey!--Level 1 Play, Kitty!-- Level 1 Dive, Dolphin!--Level 1 Go, Cub!--Level 1 City and conutry--Level 2 Owls--Level 2 Giraffes--Level 2 Polar Bears--Level 2 Storms--Level 2 Day and Night--Level 2 Due to phenomenal demand, we are now out of stock of the National Geographic Kids Readers Collection. If you're looking for an alternative at a hand-picked price, we still have copies of the No Nonsense Phonics Collection (product code NNPH). Hang with the monkeys, dive with the dolphins and ride the storm with National Geographic Kids! Containing a combination of early readers (Level 1) and books for those who are developing their reading stamina and becoming more fluent (Level 2), these engaging reads are packed with facts about nature and incredible animals and full-colour photographs. They have been developed by education experts and feature lively text about popular themes. Format: paperback ※英國書籍價格狂漲建議有喜歡的就儘快收養 =========== 📌更多內頁請參考:


