姆斯電子書 The Earth and Its Peoples BULLIET 9781285436838 (1)
姆斯電子書 The Earth and Its Peoples BULLIET 9781285436838 (2)
姆斯電子書 The Earth and Its Peoples BULLIET 9781285436838 (3)
姆斯電子書 The Earth and Its Peoples BULLIET 9781285436838 (4)
姆斯電子書 The Earth and Its Peoples BULLIET 9781285436838 (5)
姆斯電子書 The Earth and Its Peoples BULLIET 9781285436838 (6)
姆斯電子書 The Earth and Its Peoples BULLIET 9781285436838 (7)
姆斯電子書 The Earth and Its Peoples BULLIET 9781285436838 (8)

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CENGAGE Learning


本商品為電子書,以電腦、平板或手機裝置閱讀, 由美國Cengage公司正版授權。 下標後約2-3個工作天可以取得電子書序號, 少數時候遇到特別情況可能會延長至5-7個工作天。 購買電子書產品會提供您操作手冊PDF檔。 電子書商品請特別注意: 1. 沒有網路購物七天內退貨的鑑賞期,Access code一經傳送即不可退。 2. Cengage出版的電子書是【租用形式】,一個Access code使用期限為【一年】 書名:The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History (AP Edition) (English) 6th 作者:BULLIET 版次:06 出版商:Cengage Learning 出版年:2015 電子書ISBN:9788000008240 紙本書ISBN:9781285436838 內容簡介 Featuring a beautiful new design, THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLES, Sixth Edition, presents world history in a balanced, global framework, shifting the focus away from political centers of power. This truly global text for the world history survey course employs fundamental themes of "environment and technology" and "diversity and dominance" to explore patterns of humans' interactions with their surroundings and with each other. The authors' approach reveals how humanity continues to shape and be shaped by the environment and how dominant structures and traditions are balanced and challenged by alternate beliefs. Special emphasis is given to technological development and how it underlies all human activity. Highly acclaimed in their fields of study, the authors bring a wide array of expertise to the program. A combination of strong scholarship and detailed pedagogy gives the book its reputation for rigor and student accessibility.


