姆斯電子書 Environmental Ethics: POJMAN 9781285197241 (1)
姆斯電子書 Environmental Ethics: POJMAN 9781285197241 (2)
姆斯電子書 Environmental Ethics: POJMAN 9781285197241 (3)
姆斯電子書 Environmental Ethics: POJMAN 9781285197241 (4)
姆斯電子書 Environmental Ethics: POJMAN 9781285197241 (5)
姆斯電子書 Environmental Ethics: POJMAN 9781285197241 (6)
姆斯電子書 Environmental Ethics: POJMAN 9781285197241 (7)
姆斯電子書 Environmental Ethics: POJMAN 9781285197241 (8)

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CENGAGE Learning


本商品為電子書,以電腦、平板或手機裝置閱讀, 由美國Cengage公司正版授權。 下標後約2-3個工作天可以取得電子書序號, 少數時候遇到特別情況可能會延長至5-7個工作天。 購買電子書產品會提供您操作手冊PDF檔。 電子書商品請特別注意: 1. 沒有網路購物七天內退貨的鑑賞期,Access code一經傳送即不可退。 2. Cengage出版的電子書是【租用形式】,一個Access code使用期限為【一年】 書名:Environmental Ethics: Readings in Theory and Application 作者:POJMAN/POJMAN/MCSHANE 版次:7 出版商:Cengage Learning 出版年:2017 電子書ISBN:9788000007885 紙本書ISBN:9781285197241 內容簡介 ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS, 7th Edition presents the main issues in environmental ethics using a diverse set of readings arranged in dialogue format. The seventh edition of this popular anthology features selections from contemporary authors as well as readings from classic writers, all chosen for their clarity and accessibility. By exploring both sides of every topic, this edition helps students quickly grasp each subject and move from theory to application. Making this textbook even more enjoyable to read include new sections on Environmental Justice, Climate Change, Food Ethics, Nature and Naturalness, Sustainability, Population and Consumption, Future Generations, and Holism.


