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2004年至今,《紐約時報》持續刊登各類型創作人 寫下自身愛的經歷,映照出人們在感情裡的一笑一淚,渴望相依 42個揪心、掙扎的真實故事,每一篇都是勇氣的不同形式 當尋愛女子陷入訊息被不讀不回的悲傷五階段; 當可靠先生因為失智變得無法依靠; 當教會拒絕了愛上夏娃的夏娃; 當摯愛的先生即將變身為妻子; 當醫生宣布,妳剛領養的嬰兒長大會癱瘓…… 在脆弱的各種樣貌裡,我們都不是一個人 從來沒有一個時代像現代, 新科技、新觀念、新價值快速改變著關係與生活,人際間更多困難―― 要怎麼勇敢,在最後一刻伸出手去? 要怎麼在生命的急轉彎中站穩,承受撞擊? 如何接納,如何重新接納? 當心痛無可避免,如何找回自己? 如何相信什麼是愛情?什麼是愛? 「現代愛情」(Morden Love)為《紐約時報》熱門專欄,邀請各類型寫作者撰寫關於愛情與愛的真實故事,自2004年起持續至今。本書由專欄編輯丹尼爾•瓊斯精采選編。 我們身處的這個時代,許多新現象與新衝擊正在更快速出現:網路社群、交友軟體、多元成家、憂鬱症、癌症、自閉症、失智症、性別認同、變性抉擇、不婚、再婚、跨齡戀愛、中年失婚、晚年戀情……等,觀念與行動的應對壓力都變得比以往更大,「獲得幸福」似乎變成更加挑戰的事。 這就是愛情,每個人都可以愛,可能需要一點勇氣,可能需要很大的勇氣。 收錄在這本書中的42個真實故事,記錄了從尋覓到戀愛路上的各種震撼,以及從人生急轉彎到成家之後的考驗,是這個時代豐富愛情面貌的縮影。 同名電視影集於2019年10月由Amazon Prime Video播出第一季共8集,由安•海瑟薇與多位得獎、知名演員共同主演,並有第二季計畫。英文版同名Podcast亦已上線。 本中文書介出自《現代愛情: 關於愛、失去與救贖的真實故事》新經典圖文傳播有限公司出版 The most popular, provocative, and unforgettable essays from the past fifteen years of the New York Times “Modern Love” column—including stories from the anthology series starring Tina Fey, Andy Garcia, Anne Hathaway, Catherine Keener, Dev Patel, and John Slattery A young woman goes through the five stages of ghosting grief. A man’s promising fourth date ends in the emergency room. A female lawyer with bipolar disorder experiences the highs and lows of dating. A widower hesitates about introducing his children to his new girlfriend. A divorcée in her seventies looks back at the beauty and rubble of past relationships. These are just a few of the people who tell their stories in Modern Love, Revised and Updated, featuring dozens of the most memorable essays to run in The New York Times “Modern Love” column since its debut in 2004. Some of the stories are unconventional, while others hit close to home. Some reveal the way technology has changed dating forever; others explore the timeless struggles experienced by anyone who has ever searched for love. But all of the stories are, above everything else, honest. Together, they tell the larger story of how relationships begin, often fail, and—when we’re lucky—endure. Edited by longtime “Modern Love” editor Daniel Jones and featuring a diverse selection of contributors—including Mindy Hung, Trey Ellis, Ann Hood, Deborah Copaken, Terri Cheney, and more—this is the perfect book for anyone who’s loved, lost, stalked an ex on social media, or pined for true romance: In other words, anyone interested in the endlessly complicated workings of the human heart. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681976160004 ISBN13/9780593137048 ISBN10/0593137043 EAN/9780593137048 尺寸/20X13X1.5CM 級別/無 語言/英文 頁數/304 裝訂/平裝 Daniel Jones, who since 2004 has edited the weekly "Modern Love" column in The New York Times, is also the author of Love Illuminated, advisor to the Modern Love podcast, and consulting producer for the Modern Love streaming series. He lives in Northampton, Massachusetts, and in New York City.


