Mink Sheen 雪貂 - 貂油洗毛精1加侖(128 fl. oz.) (3785ml) (1)
Mink Sheen 雪貂 - 貂油洗毛精1加侖(128 fl. oz.) (3785ml) (2)
Mink Sheen 雪貂 - 貂油洗毛精1加侖(128 fl. oz.) (3785ml) (3)

卖Mink Sheen 雪貂 - 貂油洗毛精1加侖(128 fl. oz.) (3785ml)最好的价格



★二罐以上請選賣家宅配 ★ ★四罐以上請選賣家宅配(加贈500ml雪貂一瓶) ★ ※總代理美國原裝原瓶進口※ 精純貂油 + 植物精油(西洋杉、香茅、薄荷、尤加利)天然維他命C、E等..... 適合各式犬、貓,天然配方幼犬、小貓亦適合 因不含化合物,貂油及植物精油會產生自然分離雙層現象,請安心使用! 每次使用前請搖晃均勻使用 【榮獲全美獸醫特別推薦】 A beautiful healthy shine! Touch of Mink’s Minksheen 4-in-1 Pet Shampoo brings the great properties of mink oil products to pets. This elite pet grooming, horse grooming and dog grooming shampoo provides a beautiful healthy shine. MinkSheen is a groomer favorite for a “show coat” quality groom with a deep down luster that lasts, sealing in moisture for healthy coat growth. Mink oil is a natural product that gives coats a rich, soft and youthful shine. Innovation on the cellular level. MinkSheen Pet Shampoo is wonderful for the sensitive new skin of puppies, dog grooming all breeds, pet grooming animals with dry or sensitive skin and grooming of horses, cattle and farm animals. It is made by a skin care company to be safe for frequent use by groomers, too. This mink oil-infused pet shampoo contains a naturally high level of Omega 7 fatty acid, a key to cell health, helping pet skin retain moisture, and repair damage caused by stress factors. It is formulated with mink oil and Vitamins E, A, and D.

