【名家繪本】Are you there baby bear? (-AYTB-) (1)
【名家繪本】Are you there baby bear? (-AYTB-) (2)
【名家繪本】Are you there baby bear? (-AYTB-) (3)
【名家繪本】Are you there baby bear? (-AYTB-) (4)
【名家繪本】Are you there baby bear? (-AYTB-) (5)
【名家繪本】Are you there baby bear? (-AYTB-) (6)
【名家繪本】Are you there baby bear? (-AYTB-) (7)

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Age Range: 3 years 24*26cm Paperback: 32 pages ISBN: 9781848699571 By Catherine Walters 參考影音 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96bMB9MDVA0 - - - - - - - Catherine Walters' beloved bear cub Alfie, last seen sound asleep in a field of wildflowers in When Will It Be Spring?, returns here in another tale of youthful impatience and anticipation. Alfie's mother tells him that a new cub is coming. Impatient Alfie sets out to find the baby bear, who he thinks is lost somewhere in the woods or meadows. As he wanders through his lovely wilderness home, Alfie mistakes a host of woodland creatures, including a beaver, a mountain lion, and even a bison, for his "lost" baby bear. When night begins to fall, the bold little searcher finds himself cold and alone--and lost! But Father Bear soon arrives and gently carries the new big brother bear home, where a surprise (or two) is waiting. Children will delight in knowing just a bit more than Alfie, but they will feel just as impatient to see the new, adorable arrival. Once again, Catherine Walters has created an inviting woodland world and a story that simply and tenderly conveys a little one's point of view. ======================================= ☀請加入書酷line社團好友才不漏接優惠卷或好康訊息 https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40suku 加入官方line帳號+好友目前好康 可領NT$50元購書折價卷一張唷


