『免運現貨』【莓亞科技】樹莓派 Pi Zero Wireless(含稅現貨NT$698) (1)

卖『免運現貨』【莓亞科技】樹莓派 Pi Zero Wireless(含稅現貨NT$698)最好的价格



歡迎光臨『创意』 關注小店領取¥10的關注禮可用 產品約2-3個工作天左右會出貨 (不含例假日) 正常下標5-7天左右送達 英國樹莓派基金會製 價格含稅,隨貨附發票 原廠保固1年 The Raspberry Pi Zero is an ultra low cost and ultra small variant of the original Raspberry Pi. It’s tiny, measuring just 65mm x 30mm, and is perfectly designed for embedded applications, wearables, prototyping and any other Pi based tinkering you can think of, on a micro scale! The Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless features on board Wireless Internet & Bluetooth for all your connectivity needs! The Raspberry Pi Zero features a BCM2835 chipset, overclocked to 1Ghz with 512MB RAM, and the same 1080p video output, so there’s plenty of oomph in that little board. It also features the same 40 pin GPIO layout as the Raspberry Pi 2/B+/A+, which you’ll need to solder your own headers to. With it’s small form factor and reduction in connectors, the Raspberry Pi Zero only uses ~ 140mA at 5V! Unlike it’s larger brothers and sisters, the Raspberry Pi Zero has an unpopulated GPIO, unpopulated composite (RCA) header and an unpopulated reset header. There’s also no DSI screen port, no ethernet, no analogue audio and no full sized USB ports. Instead, the Pi Zero features a micro-USB power port, a micro USB OTG host port (for peripherals e.g. WiFi dongle), and a mini HDMI port for video. HAT Compatibility Note: The Pi Zero is fully compatible with all HAT breakout boards, as it features the same 40 Pin GPIO as the Raspberry Pi 2/B+/A+ Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless Features: BCM2835 chipset, Overclocked to 1Ghz 512MB RAM Tiny Form Factor: 65mm x 30mm x 5mm Fully HAT compatible 40pin GPIO (Unpopulated) Stream and watch Hi-definition video output at 1080P Micro SD Slot for OS Tiny Current Draw ~ 140mA at 5V! Mini-HDMI for Video Micro-USB OTG Host for Data Micro-USB for Power Micro-CSI Camera Port On-Board WiFi On-Board Bluetooth ❗重要提醒❗蝦皮為了提供更好消費經驗, 買家如果在達三次逾期未取貨, 蝦皮將會暫時停止買家使用貨到付款。 急單慎重!!! 包裹一旦發出就無法退回無法取消訂單了,請知悉 注意:本賣場不是慈善機構,如果因為每個買家的一句不喜歡,不想要了等等個人因素,將會對我門產生資金上的損失,因為每個訂單 寄出、退回 都需要支付運費的,請大家想好或者是先跟賣家聊聊溝通好在下單,以免大家產生誤會,請大家理解一下,感恩!!!

