靜聽梧桐 顧靜新水墨展 展覽畫冊Gu Jing New Ink Painting Exhibition Catalog (1)

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歸納顧靜現代水墨作品的主題,可分為拜奇石、 賞文翫、 觀花鳥、 遊園林四項。此四個主題不僅反映了畫圖主人遣興寄情的況味,也表達了畫圖主人對於環境與自然的主觀期待。顧靜的作品,無一不靜氣遍佈,令人一見而忘俗,一覽而靜心。畫境一如心境,心能靜畫方能靜。萬丈紅塵名枷利鎖,得一靜氣何其之難。觀顧靜的畫能獲得片刻清涼,即是大自在了。 The themes and motifs of Gu Jing’s new ink paintings can be categorized as Paying Respect to Scholar’s Rocks, Appreciating Objects of the Study, Admiring Flowers & Birds, and Wandering through Gardens, which not only reflect Gu’s artistic pursuit as an artist, but also her fascination and respect for the natural world. The serene atmosphere of her paintings is vividly attractive and invites the viewer into the composition. In terms of artistic creation, the composition of a painting is reflective a painter’s state of mind, and therefore only a mind at ease can ever create tranquil compositions. When viewing Gu’s paintings, one shares with her a state of mind that is tranquil or quiet – a mind that is at ease. 出版:高士文化藝術有限公司(2014年9月) 語言:繁體中文/英文 策展:劉素玉 編輯/翻譯:張敬亭 平裝:84頁 尺寸:25 x 25 x 1 cm ISBN:978-986-89580-4-3 訂價:NT$ 800 目錄 觀當下心 /顧 靜 靜聽梧桐/張孟起 簡歷: 展覽暨獲獎 專著出版 圖錄:顧靜作品 2008 – 2014 拜雅石 賞文翫 觀花鳥 遊園林 Publisher: Lofty Culture & Art, Sept 2014 Language: Traditional Chinese, English Curator: Elaine Suyu Liu Editor/Translation: Timothy Chang Paperback: 84 Pages Dimensions: 25 x 25 x 1 cm ISBN: 978-986-89580-4-3 Price: NT$ 800 Contents Viewing the Current Heart by Gu Jing Quietly Listening to Wutong by Richard MC Chang CV: Exhibitions and Awards Publications Plates: Gu Jing Artworks 2008 – 2014 Paying Respect to Scholar’s Rocks Appreciating Objects of the Study Admiring Flowers & Birds Wandering through Gardens

