◄J02A► 新版PN532 NFC RFID V3 模塊 含 USB傳輸線&USB芯片 (1)

卖◄J02A► 新版PN532 NFC RFID V3 模塊 含 USB傳輸線&USB芯片最好的价格

NT$270 - NT$310
PN532含 USB傳輸線


※不提供試用,如拆封、通電或焊接後皆會影響您退(換)貨的權益。(2020/11/10更新) ⬇️ ※萊爾富訂單請購物車截圖私訊後另外開賣場下單。 ⬇️ ※僅提供商品描述(最下方說明)或資料(電子檔,不一定有,也不能保證您一定會使用),不提供技術諮詢,會使用再購買。 ⬇️ ※考量到包材成本和人力成本,不含運費滿150元才出貨哦,300元以下訂單麻煩購物車截圖另外開賣場下單。 ⬇️ ※在意商品精度、凖度、穩定度等要求的請勿購買,無法保證您的量具和商品本身會有落差,賣場內所有零件類商品僅提供實驗/測試使用,且不提供保固。 ⬇️ ※收到商品後, 為避免雙方對商品數量(商品短缺)有爭議,請拆箱前,請先用手機錄影,確認商品數量是否有短少,若無錄影存證,一律由賣家的出貨照片和出貨影片為依據。 ★錄影存證請先錄影紙箱外盒整體 上下左右 需為未拆封★ ⬇️ 📣為使雙方有個愉快的交易,請先參考商品說明及賣場說明(貼文牆) ※商品的退換貨、補寄商品以郵局寄送為主,能接受再下單,謝謝 ※有提供相關資料的商品請取貨後私訊留MAIL給才會寄送 1.資料是額外提供的,並不包含在商品本身或商品價格內。 2.無法耐心等侯賣家MAIL資料的買家請勿購買。 ❌電子零件針腳難免會歪斜(並非瑕疵),完美主義者請勿購買。 ❌部份商品電路板可能會和商品圖不完全一樣(但功能不變),介意請勿購買。 --- 📣無法接受以上說明的買家請勿下單,必免照成雙方困擾。 --- 商品說明如下: ⬇️ Overview NFC is a popular technology in recent years. We often heard this work while smart phone company such as Samsung or HTC introduces their latest high-end phones. Almost all the high-end phone in the market support NFC. Near field communication (NFC) is a set of standards for smart phones and similar devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into close proximity, usually no more than a few centimeters. For electronics geeks, we also want to use NFC technology to make our own things. So we build this NFC RFID module. This module is built around NXP PN532. NXP PN532 is very popular in NFC area. And the company offers much technology document to help developers. We developed this module based on the official document. And to make things easier, we also build library for this module. We almost break out all the IO pins of NXP532 on this module. Users could easily connect and play. With our Arduino Sensor Shield, it is very easy to plug and play. However, if users want to use other interface such as UART or SPI, this module also makes it easy to connect those pins. Feature 1. Small dimension and easy to embed into your project 2. Support I2C, SPI and HSU (High Speed UART), easy to change between those modes 3. Support RFID reading and writing, P2P communication with peers, NFC with Android phone 4. RFID reader/writer supports: • Mifare 1k, 4k, Ultralight, and DesFire cards • ISO/IEC 14443-4 cards such as CD97BX, CD light, Desfire, P5CN072 (SMX) • Innovision Jewel cards such as IRT5001 card • FeliCa cards such as RCS_860 and RCS_854 5. Up to 5cm~7cm reading distance 6. On-board level shifter, Standard 5V TTL for I2C and UART, 3.3V TTL SPI 7. Arduino compatible, plug in and play with our shield Description Here we introduce 3 basic example of this module. Read/write RFID card As basic function, this module could read and write RFID card. Various cards could be supported. We also supply libraries for Arduino. P2P communication Two peer PN532 modules could communicate with each other wirelessly. NFC with Andriod Phone The basic communication stamp with Andriod Phone (NFC supported) is finished. Currently we could put an URL to Android phone and let it visit a webpage. Download Links for more technique resource could be found in manual. Manual




