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Helbling Readers Classics: White Fang 【孤狼視角–荒野與文明何者殘酷?】 白牙生於冰天雪地的阿拉斯加,半狼半狗的牠,雖處艱困的環境,但跟在媽媽身邊的牠也很快就學會了大自然的生存之道。有天來了位原住民,擅自將媽媽與白牙納為自己所有,白牙認知到人類世界也有生存法則,既公平又殘酷,牠有可能學習信任並愛人類嗎? ★本書分別提供學生與老師的語言學習或教學提示,並有文法結構要點。 適合程度:CEF A2, Cambridge KET, Headwords: 1000, 全民英檢初-中級 About this Book單元: 分別提供學生與老師的語言學習或教學提示,並有本書文法結構要點。 Before Reading/After Reading: 閱讀前/後各有問題提問與練習,幫助理解作品內容並培養賞析 與批判思考能力。 精選深受青少年喜愛的經典名著,或專為青少年所寫的有趣故事。 依據CEF分級閱讀,讓英文學習精準到位。 附有CD光碟,同時訓練閱讀與聽力技巧,還有聽力練習活動。 配合本書學習,提供免費的教學資源,包括練習單、解答及聽力練習原稿。 About the Book White Fang is born, part-dog, part-wolf, in the cold and snowy Northland of Alaska. He soon learns the laws of nature and before long he and his mother, Kiche, are fighting for survival. One day a native American, Gray Beaver recognizes Kiche and soon the mother and cub become his property. White Fang learns that men have laws, too, which can be both fair and cruel. But will White Fang ever learn to trust or love men? 白牙是出生在冰天雪地阿拉斯加,半狼半狗的白牙,在母親身邊學習大自然的生存之道。有天來了一位原住民,白牙開始接觸人類的法則,牠有可能學習信任並愛人類嗎? About the Author作者簡介 Jack London (傑克.倫敦)was born in San Francisco in 1876. Life was hard when Jack was growing up and he started working when he was 10. In July 1897 he left for the Klondike Gold Rush in Alaska. However, he became ill and came home and started working as a full-time writer. He wrote short stories and soon he was well-known. In 1903 he wrote his most famous story: The Call of the Wild. His next novel was The Sea-Wolf (1904) which is perhaps his best literary novel. With the earnings he bought a large farm in California, where he died in 1916, aged only 40 years old. London was a prolific writer in his short life. Between 1905 and 1916 he published 18 novels and six collections of stories, as well as a play, various works of non-fiction and a biography. He is renowned for his descriptions of nature and the animal world. ISBN: 9783852725451 書號:10012550 出版日期:2013年4月 開本裝訂:25K,彩色平裝(附CD) 頁數:76頁 類別:語言學習 系列:Helbling Readers, Red Series




