【店長推薦】ZX-10 ZX10R 04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-15年 整流器充電器穩壓器 (1)
【店長推薦】ZX-10 ZX10R 04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-15年 整流器充電器穩壓器 (2)
【店長推薦】ZX-10 ZX10R 04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-15年 整流器充電器穩壓器 (3)

卖【店長推薦】ZX-10 ZX10R 04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-15年 整流器充電器穩壓器最好的价格

50% OFF
NT$756 - NT$1,404


品牌: 自有品牌 歡迎光臨TW機車改裝 購買須知:大貨單邊超過45,三邊之和超過100請下標宅配,謝謝~~~ 小店商品三個工作天內出貨,七個工作天內送達,急單請聯絡客服小妹唷,謝謝 ~~~ ZX-10 ZX10R 04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-15年 整流器充電器穩壓器 品牌:煥發貿易 型號:ZX-10R 歡迎瀏覽本店 Welcome to visit our shop 本店是實體店,只要以批發.零售.各大進口車型配件,外殼,改裝件,電度件等,歡迎廣大客戶來訂貨. 購買流程: 煥發貿易,我們以蝦皮為主,如體積大的根據貨物的重量與體積來定。 [注:如拍后沒給夠或沒補的,我們統一發] 煥發貿易 1:。 2:。 煥發貿易 1:和本店業務員溝通后,拍下配件產品付款后于當天發貨,付款后請確認你的地址,電話,姓名,以便我們發貨,以免造成雙方不必要的麻煩。 2:如買家無,蝦皮可以代收貨款。,確認后把你的姓名,電話,地址,(手機或蝦皮,),隨后安排發貨。 3:買家收到貨物時,請仔細核對貨物件數,確認沒錯后再給予簽收,注意[先檢后鑒],避免造成不必要的損失。 4:由于各個地方不同,實際本店根據貨物的重量與體積來定,多件物品只收一次。本店默認一般蝦皮(如緊急客戶可發,另算),如不能到你的所在地,請提前跟本店說明情況,商議轉發其他蝦皮或物流。 Welcome to visit our shop This shop is the entity shop, as long as the wholesale, retail. The major imported car parts, shell, modification parts, electric parts, etc., welcome customers to order. Purchase process: , we mainly, , such as the large volume according to the weight and the volume of the goods to set freight. [Note: if after the shoot did not give enough freight or not fill freight, we unified Shunfeng freight. Foreign buyers purchase process: 1: . 2: . Domestic buyers purchase process: 1: and the store clerk to communicate, after taking part in the delivery of the goods on the day of delivery, payment, please confirm your address, phone, name, so that we shipped, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. 2: if the buyer has no .com, Guangdong province can express the collection of money. Can also transfer payment in accordance with the shop to provide bank card number or .com account after the payment, please contact the shop, the shop to confirm your payment, after the confirmation of your name, address, phone, sent to the shop ( or mobile phone, ), then arrange the shipment. 3: the buyer receives the goods, please carefully check the number of goods, confirm yes, then sign, notice [the first after learning], to avoid unnecessary losses. 4: due to the different parts of the freight, the actual cost of the shop according to the weight of the goods and volume to set the freight, more than one item only received a freight. The store default general Shentong express (such as emergency customers can send SF and other freight operators), such as not to where you are, please in advance with the restaurant explained the situation, counsel or other courier logistics. 43812496776

