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Caryl Hart & Ed Eaves Collection - 2 Books (-CEC2-) (5)
Caryl Hart & Ed Eaves Collection - 2 Books (-CEC2-) (6)
Caryl Hart & Ed Eaves Collection - 2 Books (-CEC2-) (7)
Caryl Hart & Ed Eaves Collection - 2 Books (-CEC2-) (8)
Caryl Hart & Ed Eaves Collection - 2 Books (-CEC2-) (9)

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3 Years+ 3 years and up 24*27.8 cm Paperback:32 pages by Caryl Hart (Author), Ed Eaves (Illustrator) ❤️【暢銷得獎作家】 Caryl Hart和Ed Eaves合作常常書評都四~五星以上★★★★★ ☺️中班~國小的小朋友都很喜愛^^ 套書2本,書目: #1 How to Grow A Dinosaur(如何養恐龍?) #2 How to Ride a Polar Bear(如何騎北極熊?) 劇情例如: 難得幫媽媽種花,種子種進去隔天突然^o^!!侏儸紀公園的恐龍來啦?媽媽帶去逛博物館,怎麼進去變成到北極冰屋了!!狼.真的北極熊..都來了!原來去博物館這麼有趣^^ 參考影音 【現書25套】 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == #1 How to Grow A Dinosaur Paperback: 32 pages Age Range: 3 years and up 難得幫媽媽種花,種子種進去隔天突然^o^!!侏儸紀公園的恐龍來啦? Albie is a normal little boy who has extraordinary adventures. When he helps his mum in the garden by planting some seeds, he can't quite believe his eyes the next morning. The garden has grown beyond all belief and these are not just any old plants - oh, no - Albie's seeds have grown into great big jurassic jungle! He rushes outside to discover what else has grown - a fantastic mix of real live DINOSAURS! A colourful, funny follow-up to Supermarket Zoo. #2 How to Ride a Polar Bear 媽媽帶去逛博物館,怎麼進去變成到北極冰屋了!!狼.真的北極熊..都來了!原來去博物館這麼有趣^ When Albie and his mum go to the museum, Albie has no idea what is in store for him. He know that museums are fusty and dusty and full of smelly things, but what he doesn't expect are igloos, wolves and a real life polar bear... Join Albie on a brand new adventure in this brilliant book by the bestselling author and illustrator pairing Caryl Hart and Ed Eaves! Going to the museum has never been so much fun! 'Hart is a rising picture book star.' The Bookseller Praise for How to Grow a Dinosaur: 'A pre-school crowd pleaser with a dinosaur battle to boot.' The Bookseller 'Full of fun and packed with bold colourful pictures, this action-packed story will really appeal to children and is a great way to extend their imaginations.' Parents in Touch Biography I live on the top of a windy hill in Derbyshire with my husband and two cheeky daughters. We have a bouncy black labrador, called Roo, who is named after the dog in a book called The Last Polar Bears by Harry Horse. We also have a fluffy black and white cat called Luna. My children found her at a farm near our house when she was a kitten. They wanted to take care of her because she was a bit scraggy so we asked the farm lady and she said, "Yes!" We feel very lucky to have her because she is very cute and funny. Luna says she's happy to stay with us for a while because it's much nicer than eating mice and living in a haystack. Before becoming a full time writer, I was the web editor for a company that provides online learning for schools. I have also worked in outdoor education, wetland conservation and as a fundraiser for an environmental charity. I have been a medical secretary, bar maid and toilet cleaner. I was once sacked from a job on a telephone assembly line for playing Mrs Brown's Shopping Basket while I worked. ★喜歡Caryl Hart (Author), Ed Eaves (Illustrator)作品的團員,書團還有套CEC4。故事不重複,想了解的團員另外私訊我喔! ============= 📌優惠套書不是長期供書請把握購書機


