【303-5767】International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Ca (1)

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ISBN 9781292357676 作者/出版社 Alson/Pearson 出版年代/版次 2021/9 重量:0.4kg 頁數:445 裝訂:平裝 開數:21.7*27.5 cm 印刷:彩色 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Traumatic Disease Chapter Overview Situational Awareness Case Presentation Scene Size-up Standard Precautions Scene Safety Total Number of Patients Essential Equipment and Additional Resources Mechanism of Injury Blunt Trauma Penetrating Trauma Priorities of Trauma Care Trauma Triage Decisions Prevention and Public Education CHAPTER 2 Trauma Assessment and Management Chapter Overview Case Presentation ITLS Primary Survey Scene Size-up Initial Assessment Rapid Trauma Survey or Focused Exam ITLS Reassessment Exam ITLS Secondary Survey Adjuncts for Trauma Patient Assessment Transfer of Care CHAPTER 3 Assessment Skills ITLS Primary Survey—Critical Information Scene Size-up Initial Assessment Rapid Trauma Survey ITLS Reassessment Exam—Critical Information Subjective Changes Mental Status Reassess ABCs ITLS Secondary Survey—Critical Information SAMPLE History Vital Signs and Repeat Initial Assessment Neurological Exam Detailed Exam Ground Rules for Teaching and Evaluation CHAPTER 4 Hemorrhage Control and Shock Chapter Overview Case Presentation Pathophysiology of Shock Evaluation of Tachycardia The Shock Syndromes Management Special Situations in Hypovolemic Shock Obstructive Shock Cardiogenic Shock Current Thinking in the Treatment of Shock CHAPTER 5 Shock and Hemorrhage Control Skills Cannulation of the External Jugular Vein Intraosseous Infusion Indications Contraindications Recommended Sites Potential Complications FAST Responder™ Intraosseous Device Length-Based Resuscitation Tapes Control of Life-Threatening Hemorrhage Application of Tourniquets Use of Hemostatic Agents CHAPTER 6 Airway Management Chapter Overview Case Presentation Anatomy and Physiology Nasopharynx Oropharynx Hypopharynx Larynx Trachea and Bronchi The Lungs The Patent Airway Observation Suction Airway Adjuncts Supplemental Oxygen Ventilation Normal Ventilation Positive-Pressure (Artificial) Ventilation Compliance Ventilation Techniques Airway Equipment CHAPTER 7 Airway Skills Chapter Overview Basic Airway Management The Pulse Oximeter Supraglottic Airways Advanced Airway Management Preparation for Intubation Face-to-Face Intubation Confirmation of Tube Placement Drug-Assisted Intubation Fiberoptic and Video Intubation SECTION 2 Foundational Knowledge CHAPTER 8 Thoracic Trauma Chapter Overview Case Presentation The Thorax Anatomy Pathophysiology Emergency Care of Chest Injuries Airway Obstruction Flail Chest Open Pneumothorax Massive Hemothorax Tension Pneumothorax Cardiac Tamponade Myocardial Contusion Traumatic Aortic Rupture Tracheal or Bronchial Tree Injury Diaphragmatic Tears Pulmonary Contusion Blast Injuries Other Chest Injuries Impaled Objects Traumatic Asphyxia Simple Pneumothorax Sternal Fractures Simple Rib Fracture CHAPTER 9 Thoracic Trauma Skills Chapter Overview Chest Decompression Indications to Perform Chest Decompression Performing a C




