2018-2019出版適合台灣小朋友的文法書 與寫作書 Move On! Grammar&Usage 兒童英文學習 (1)
2018-2019出版適合台灣小朋友的文法書 與寫作書 Move On! Grammar&Usage 兒童英文學習 (2)
2018-2019出版適合台灣小朋友的文法書 與寫作書 Move On! Grammar&Usage 兒童英文學習 (3)
2018-2019出版適合台灣小朋友的文法書 與寫作書 Move On! Grammar&Usage 兒童英文學習 (4)
2018-2019出版適合台灣小朋友的文法書 與寫作書 Move On! Grammar&Usage 兒童英文學習 (5)
2018-2019出版適合台灣小朋友的文法書 與寫作書 Move On! Grammar&Usage 兒童英文學習 (6)

卖2018-2019出版適合台灣小朋友的文法書 與寫作書 Move On! Grammar&Usage 兒童英文學習最好的价格

NT$253 - NT$268
1 文法
2 文法


《MOVE ON! Grammar and Usage》是一系列兒童美語的文法教材,涵蓋生活用語、單字、句型與書寫。本書共分六級,可做為主教材或搭配的副教材使用。內容由兒童美語專家林素娥博士和David Doyle研發,緊扣家庭、學校、玩樂等貼近生活的主題,配上生動、繽紛的插圖和有趣、多元的練習,讓兒童可以在輕鬆愉快的氛圍下學習英文,學會生活單字,吸收正確文法。 l共分為八單元,每單元分三課,涵蓋基本生活用語和單字。 l文法練習多變化,搭配吸睛可愛插圖,寫作業不再討人厭。 l穿插趣味打油詩、著色繪畫、唱歌活動,維繫課堂專注力。 l道地美式英語,搭配兒童日常情境,現學現用好輕鬆。 MOVE ON! Sentence Skills is a series designed for young learners of American English. It is an ideal coursebook or a good complement to other primary series. Through colorful illustrations and real-life themes and languages, students can improve their vocabulary and grammar quickly in a fun and pleasant learning environment. MOVE ON! Sentence Skills是一系列兒童美語的文法教材,是Move on! Grammar & Usage的延伸和進階版,涵蓋句子的基本規則、各類詞性的運用與時態書寫,可做為主教材或搭配的副教材使用。內容由兒童美語專家林素娥博士和David Doyle研發,緊扣家庭、學校、育樂等貼近生活的主題,配上生動、繽紛的插圖和有趣、多元的練習,讓兒童及少年可以在輕鬆愉快的氛圍下提升寫作能力。 Part One The Building Blocks of an English Sentence Lesson 1 Sentence Parts Lesson 2 Beginning the Sentence Lesson 3 Ending the Sentence Lesson 4 Word Order Part Two Grammar and Usage Unit 1 Nouns Lesson 1 Singular Countable Nouns and Articles Lesson 2 Regular Plurals Lesson 3 Proper Nouns Unit 2 Action Verbs and Verb Tense (1) Lesson 1 Singular Action Verbs: Simple Present Tense Lesson 2 Asking and Answering a Yes/ No Question with an Action Verb Unit 3 Pronouns and Linking Verbs Lesson 1 Subject Pronouns and Linking Verbs Lesson 2 Asking and Answering a Yes/ No Question with Linking Verbs Lesson 3 Object Pronouns and Demonstrative Pronouns Unit 4 Adjectives Lesson 1 Possessive Pronouns Used as Adjectives Lesson 2 Descriptive Adjectives Lesson 3 Adjectives that Compare Lesson 4 Adjective Order Unit 5 Action Verbs and Verb Tense (2) Lesson 1 Action Verbs: Simple Past Tense Lesson 2 Present Continuous Tense Lesson 3 Present Tense vs. Present Continuous Tense Lesson 4 In the Past, in the Present, or in the Future? Lesson 5 More Contractions Unit 6 The Usage of Was/ Were Lesson 1 Simple Past Tense Lesson 2 Using Contractions with Not Unit 7 The Usage of Verb to Have Lesson 1 Has/Have/ Had Lesson 2 Asking and Answering a Yes/ No Question with Verb to Have

