What does To Do in Japanese mean?

What is the meaning of the word To Do in Japanese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use To Do in Japanese.

The word To Do in Japanese means 騒ぎ、騒動, ~に~を要求する、~に~を呼びかける, 〜が〜すると信じる, ~ができる, 〜ことができる, まさに~をするところ、今にも~をしようとしている, ~したくてたまらない、~したくてうずうずする、無性に~をしたくなる, 駆り立てる、動機付ける, ~を懇願する、嘆願する, ~に~するよう勧める, 〜ように〜に言う, ~を買う余裕がある、~できる(十分な)金がある, 〜できる, 危険を冒す, ためらう、躊躇する, ~することに同意する, 〜つもり, ~が~することを可能にする, ~が~できるようにする[なる], 私が~をしましょう, ~が~することを期待する, 切望して 、 熱望して 、 切に望んで, ~に~ことを求める, …ようだ, 日程を調整する, 用意する 、 準備する 、 手配する 、 アレンジする, ~する気がある, …に…するよう頼む, ~することを目指す, ~に~するように命じる 、~に ~の仕事を与える, 自由に~できる, ~してみる 、 試してみる 、 企てる, …にしつこくせがんで…させる, ~を許される、~を許可される、~を認められる, 進んで~する、~に前向きだ、~することをいとわない, 〜に〜とせがむ, …はじめる, ~するのが適当な、~するのがふさわしい, ~に~するよう懇願する, …に入札する, ~に~するように命ずる、言いつける, がんばって~する, きっと~する, ~するのがおちだ、きっと~する, 齷齪する、頑張る、努める, ~に~するよう説得する、~に~するようにさせる, ~(すること)を耐える、辛抱する、我慢する, 徹底する, ~に...させる, ~に~するよう警告を与える ・注意する, ~をやめる, ~すると確信している、必ず~するはず, 資格を持っている、有資格の、公認の, ~に…をするように要求する, (~したくて)うずうずする, ~に~するよう命じる、指令する, 主張する、自称する, ~に…(すること)を指導する、コーチする、教える, ~よう手助けする, ~するように~を説得[誘導]する, ~するために連携する, 帰って~をする、戻って~をする, ~に~するよう命じる, ~を確約[公約]する, 共謀する, ~する事を承諾する、~する事に同意する、~する事を許可する, 〜が重なって[同時に発生して]〜になる, ~が~することを抑える 、~が~することを抑制する, 強いられた, (~して)満足する, ~をし続ける、引き続き~をする, 計画を立てる、策略を立てる, ~を~するよう促す、~を~するようしむける, ~すると契約する、約束する、同意する, 合図、サイン, ~するのが一般的・習慣である, 思い切って~する、勇気をもって~する, ~する勇気がある、覚悟をもって~する, 大胆にも~する、厚かましくも~する、ずうずうしくも~する、敢えて~する, ~に挑む、~に挑戦する, ~(する事)を決心する、決める, ~することを拒否する、断る, ~に…するよう要求する, ~する事を...に委任する, ~することを要求する、強く求める, ~に頼る、~を頼る, 望ましい、好ましい, ~したくてたまらない, ~する運命にある, ~と心に決める、~と心に誓う, 力を奮い起こす, ~に指示する、~に命令する, 指示される, ~のやる気を失わせる、~に嫌気を起こす, ~する気がある, 性質 習性 、 素質 、 性分, ~するのが良い、~して正解だ, なすべきことをする, できる限りのことをする, 運命づけられた, ~する気である、~したいと思う. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word To Do


(informal (fuss, commotion)

We put our heads out of the window to see what all the to-do was outside.


(request that [sb] do [sth])

The union called on the workers to support a strike.


(informal (trust, rely on)

You can count on her to be on time.


(capable of doing)

The only people able to afford to buy a house in this area are millionaires.


(can, have the ability to do) (動詞に続けて)

Claire wasn't able to reach the jar on the top shelf.


(on the point of doing) (行動)

I was just about to step into the bath when the doorbell rang.


(yearn, long to do)

When it's this cold, I ache to go to the Bahamas.


(motivate [sb] to do [sth])


(appeal or command: [sb] to do [sth])


(warn [sb] about doing [sth])

The judge admonished the witness to tell the truth.


(counsel [sb] to do) (動詞に続けて)

I advised him to eat before the flight.


(have enough money)

Now that I'm unemployed I can't afford to go on holiday.


(figurative (be able to do) (余裕がある)

The army cannot afford to fight on two fronts at once.


(figurative (risk)

He can't afford to let her speak badly of him.



私は橋から川に飛び込むことをためらって(or: 躊躇して)いる。
I'm afraid to jump from the bridge into the river.



Olivia's parents agreed to let her go to the party.


(figurative (intend, aspire) (動詞に続けて)

When I play, I aim to win.


(enable by neglect) (不注意によって)

By not applying the handbrake, he allowed the car to roll down the hill.


(make possible to do)

The new tramline will allow residents of this neighbourhood to reach the city centre in just ten minutes.


(offer) (申し出)

Miss, allow me to open the door.



The doctor anticipated the results of the blood work to arrive on Tuesday, but they were delayed.

切望して 、 熱望して 、 切に望んで

(be eager)

熱烈なファンが、彼らの好きな作家に会いたいと熱望して(or: 切に望んで)いる。
The avid fans were anxious to meet their favorite author.


(ask) (「こと」は動詞句をとる)

The Senator appealed to his fellow legislators to vote for more aid to the poor.


(seem to do) (動詞に続けて)

Jenny appears to know what she's doing.



I haven't seen you in a very long time. We should arrange to do something.

用意する 、 準備する 、 手配する 、 アレンジする

(make preparations) (準備すること)

They arranged for a babysitter to take care of the children.


(UK, vulgar, slang (willing to make effort)

The story's quite good so far, but I don't think I can be arsed to read the whole thing.


(request that [sb] do [sth])

My sister asked me to pass the salt.


(aim to do [sth])

I aspire to master at least one foreign language.

~に~するように命じる 、~に ~の仕事を与える

(charge with a task)

They assigned Cheri to bake cookies for the luncheon.



The police were not at liberty to discuss details of the case with the press.

~してみる 、 試してみる 、 企てる

(try) (非常に困難なことを試みる)

ⓘこの文は英語例文の訳ではありません。 彼はその問題をなんとか解決しようと努力したが、結局無理だった。
I will attempt to talk to him on Monday.


(pester to do [sth])

My children badgered me into taking them to the playground.


(have permission to)

If you do not have your passport, you will not be allowed to enter the country. Once they had finished their exams, the students were allowed to leave.


(agree freely to)

I'm willing to finish the report myself, but you'll have to give me more time.


(plead with [sb] to do [sth])

She begged her parents to buy her the toy.


(start: to do) (動詞に続けて)

The water began to boil in the pan.


(be right or necessary)

It behooves me to acknowledge the debt I owe to my precedessor in this role.


(literary (beg with [sb] to do)

The thief beseeched the king to spare him execution.


(offer services)

Three construction companies are bidding for the prestigious contract.


(formal, dated (direct, command)

When your mother bids you tidy your room, do so.


(informal (willing to make effort) (口語)

I'm trying to decide whether I can be bothered to get up today.


(figurative (more than likely to do [sth])

You left your wallet on the table; someone was bound to steal it.


(informal (likely or certain to) (口語)

That boy is so reckless, he's bound to end up in jail. The vase that was balanced on the edge of the table fell off, which was bound to happen.


(figurative (make effort)

We broke our necks to get our candidate elected.


(persuade [sb])

Her speech brought us to accept her point of view.


(be able to tolerate)

If you can stand to wait another 10 minutes, I'll walk you home. I can't stand seeing you so unhappy.


(making sure to do [sth])

He is careful about locking the doors before he goes out.



The cat ran out into the road, causing Ellen to swerve and crash the car.

~に~するよう警告を与える ・注意する


The teacher cautioned her students not to talk to strangers.


(stop) (行動)


(bound, sure to do)

リサは試験に合格すると確信している(or: 必ず合格するはずと思っている)。一生懸命勉強してきたのだ。
Lisa is certain to pass her exams. She's been studying so hard.


(person: qualified) (人)

Maddy is certified to teach English.



I challenge you to tell the truth!


(figurative (person: be impatient)

I'm champing at the bit to go on my vacation.



I charge you to look after the house properly while I am away.


(achievement: assert)

This paint brand claims to cover a larger area than that rival brand.


(sports: teach [sb])

ビルは少年たちにもっとうまくボールをパスすることを指導した(or: コーチした)。
Bill coached the boys to pass the ball better.


(teach, assist) (副文をとる)

The father coached the mother to breathe as she delivered the baby.


(persuade, entice to do)

They coaxed me to join them for the weekend.


(unite to have an effect)

Poverty and physical disability combined to make life challenging for Wendy.


(return in order to do [sth])

Ava left home at 18, but came back ten years later to care for her mother.


(order to do)

The general commanded the troops to attack.



Rita was committed to speak at the conference that morning.


(conspire, plot to do [sth])

The executives connived to overthrow the CEO of the company.


(agree to do [sth])

Ross consented to take a lie detector test.


(figurative (events: coincide)

Events have conspired to keep us apart these past few months.

~が~することを抑える 、~が~することを抑制する

(force, restrict [sb])

I would love to work abroad, but my family responsibilities constrain me to stay in this country.


(forced to do [sth])

Ann felt constrained to come to the party even though she didn't want to.



She was content to hear about his promotion.


(carry on)

After retirement, Jane continued to work as a supply teacher.


(find a way, arrange to do [sth])

They somehow contrived to arrive hours earlier than we did.


(influence to act)

A letter from his mother convinced him to come home after years abroad.


(formal (promise: in a contract)

The Employer covenants to pay the Contractor the stipulated sum.


(signal, prompt to action)

When the hostess yawns, that is the cue for her guests to leave.


(normal procedure)

It is customary to tip 10-15% of the bill at restaurants.


(be brave enough)

Not one of them dared to ride on the ghost train.


(be bold enough)

If you dare to dream, anything is possible.


(be impudent enough)

I wouldn't dare to enter his office without knocking.



私は侮辱の言葉をもう一度私に向かって繰り返してみろと、彼に挑んだ(or: 挑戦した)。
I dared him to repeat the insult to my face.



Lucy decided to do something about her messy hair.


(refuse to do)

I don't know why John has still got a job when he declines to do any work!



I defy you to tell the difference between these two products.


(person: appoint) (人)

The Swedish government delegated a minister to represent them at the event in London.


(insist on doing [sth])

I demand to see the manager!


(rely on [sb] doing [sth])

I depend on Barbara to drive me to the hospital each week.


(course of action: recommended) (行動)

It might be desirable to clear up this mess before you make any more.


(person: urgently wishing to do [sth]) (強い希望)

Gerald is desperate to find a job.


(certain to do)

This talented young man is destined to make a name for himself in the music business.


(resolve to do)

It was then that Julia determined to swim the English Channel.


(figurative (summon strength)

The runner had to dig deep to maintain his lead.



The man directed his children to clean the house.


(be instructed)

I was directed to fill out the form.


(make less willing)


(willing, ready)

Jack has never been disposed to help out with school fundraisers.

性質 習性 、 素質 、 性分


William has a dangerous disposition to gamble.


(be wise)

You would do well to heed her advice.


(Take the necessary action.)


(do everything you can to)


(destined, fated)

The train passengers were doomed to be stranded in the snow storm.


(slang (keen to do [sth])

Sure, I'm down for going hiking this weekend.

Let's learn Japanese

So now that you know more about the meaning of To Do in Japanese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Japanese.

Do you know about Japanese

Japanese is an East Asian language spoken by more than 125 million people in Japan and Japanese diaspora around the world. The Japanese language also stands out for being commonly written in a combination of three typefaces: kanji and two types of kana onomatopoeia including hiragana and katakana. Kanji is used to write Chinese words or Japanese words that use kanji to express meaning. Hiragana is used to record Japanese original words and grammatical elements such as auxiliary verbs, auxiliary verbs, verb endings, adjectives... Katakana is used to transcribe foreign words.