What does 矯形牙套 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 矯形牙套 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 矯形牙套 in Chinese.
The word 矯形牙套 in Chinese means braces (dental), orthodontic brace. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 矯形牙套
braces (dental)
orthodontic brace
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根据Dio Cassius所言,梅塞纳斯还发明过一套速记法。 According to Dio Cassius, Maecenas was also the inventor of a system of shorthand. |
核可和平利用外层空间委员会第五十九届会议工作报告,5 但其附件除外,附件连同序言部分案文和第二套准则将形成完整的准则汇编,供委员会通过并于2018年提交大会;[footnoteRef:6] [6: 委员会题为“外层空间活动长期可持续性准则:第一套”的报告附件不提交大会供采取行动。 Endorses the report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space on the work of its fifty-ninth session,5 with the exception of the annex thereto, which, together with a preambular text and a second set of guidelines, will form a full compendium of guidelines, to be adopted by the Committee and referred to the General Assembly in 2018;[footnoteRef:6] [6: The annex to the report of the Committee, entitled “Guidelines for the long-term sustainability of outer space activities: first set”, is not submitted to the General Assembly for action. |
而且已在这一领域以虚构的方式制定了一套准则,《国内流离失所问题指导原则》正在成为一项普遍的基准。 There has also been an imaginative development of norms in this area and the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement are becoming a universal benchmark. |
阿根廷和巴西合作建立的这套制度是独一无二的,同普通的保障监督协议相比,明显具有优势。 The system established by Argentina and Brazil was unique and presented clear advantages in comparison to safeguards agreements in general. |
在查明指标、界定方法和确定优先事项之后,拉丁美洲统计委员会提出了一些提议,以促进应用一套最低限度的指标,供在拉丁美洲统计委员会成员国统计计划中审议。 After identifying indicators, defining methodologies and setting priorities, proposals were set out at the Latin American Commission for Statistics (CEA - Comisión de Estadísticas de las Américas) to promote the application of a minimum set of indicators to be considered in the statistical plans of CEA members. |
该中心出版了一套六卷装《1982年联合国海洋法公约评注》,国际海洋法法庭以及世界各地的学者经常把该出版物作为有关该公约的权威文献加以引用。 The Center has published a six-volume set of commentaries on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 that are regularly cited by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and scholars around the world as an authoritative history of the Convention. |
与此有关的还有国际货币基金组织一般数据发布制度——这个制度没有规定一套独特的指标来监测发展情况——以及国际劳工组织的劳工市场主要指标。 Also relevant are the International Monetary Fund’s General Data Dissemination System, which does not prescribe a unique set of indicators to monitor development progress; and the International Labour Organization’s Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM). |
联合国人道主义事务协调厅和联合国儿童基金会已经提出警告,随着以色列在加沙军事行动不断推进,严重的人道主义局势将更形恶化,平民生活,特别是儿童和人口中脆弱群体的生活,将遭受更大风险。 The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the United Nations Children's Fund have warned of the exacerbation of the critical humanitarian situation and of the great risk posed to civilian life, particularly the lives of children and other vulnerable segments of the population, as Israel's military campaign in Gaza rages on |
在千年首脑会议上,世界领导人团结在联合国一套新的目标周围,这些目标既宏伟,又具体。 At the Millennium Summit, the world’s leaders had united around a new set of goals for the United Nations, goals that were both ambitious and concrete. |
口紅或食物可能會粘在牙齒上。 Lipstick or food may stick to the teeth. |
回顾其1992年12月18日第47/133号决议,其中通过了《保护所有人免遭强迫失踪宣言》,作为一套适用于所有国家的原则, Recalling its resolution 47/133 of 18 December 1992, by which it adopted the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance as a body of principles for all States, |
所述方法包括:将数据流进行星座映射以获得映射信号;对映射信号进行前置滤波以将映射信号转为窄带信号滤波后信号,其中,前置滤波为有限冲击响应滤波,窄带信号滤波后信号的带宽小于映射信号的带宽,窄带信号滤波后信号为波特率信号;根据窄带信号滤波后信号进行波形成形以获得整形信号;对整形信号进行数模转换以将整形第二信号转为得到模拟信号,以用于信号发射发送模拟信号。 上述方案的发射器通过滤波器将宽带的映射信号转为窄带的滤波后信号,使得滤波后信号能够顺利地通过同样为窄带的数模转换器,减少因为器件带宽不足而引起的信号损伤。 By converting a wide-band mapping signal into a narrow-band filtered signal through a filter, the transmitter of the solution enables the filtered signal to successfully pass through a digital-to-analogue converter which is of a narrow band as well, thereby reducing signal loss caused by insufficient bandwidth of a device. |
这包括向全国各地所有公立学校提供的424套资料,以支持政府主导的人权活动。 This included 424 sets of information materials to all government high schools throughout the country in support of a government-led human rights competition. |
为临时满足这种迫切需要,将从意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地现有库存向恩德培移交一套可流动部署的电讯系统,用于向摩加迪沙的前沿部署。 To meet that urgent need on a temporary basis, a MDTS-broadcast package will be transferred from existing stocks at the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, to Entebbe, where it will be staged for forward deployment to Mogadishu. |
而相比之下,外地在纽约的代表形同一个电子邮件、一个电报号码、或者一些匆匆记下的电话记录。 The field, by contrast, is represented in New York by an e-mail, a cable or the jotted notes of a phone conversation |
你 知道 吗 当 他们 开始 拍 那些 无套 的 东西 You know, when they started shooting this bareback shit, no one said much. |
行政当局通知审计委员会 # 年,财务科的工作主要是争取运用一套电脑新系统(劳森会计系统)。 为在新系统中进行银行对帐,而着手编写一定的程序;对帐工作和对对帐误差帐项的调查因而受到影响。 The Board expressed its appreciation for the continuous efforts of the CEO/Secretary and its Chairman, as well as that of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, to find acceptable solutions to the problems; it also indicated its disappointment that no meaningful progress had been achieved towards implementation of the proposed agreement and its protocol |
应使用这套前后一致的牲畜存栏数统计数据估算肠内发酵产生的CH4、粪肥管理产生的CH4和N2O、由土壤直接排出的N2O和与粪肥生产相关的N2O的排放量,以及将畜粪用作燃料产生的排放量和废弃物部门报告的污水有关的排放量。 This consistent set of animal population statistics should be used to estimate CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation, CH4 and N2O from manure management, N2O direct emissions from soil and N2O emissions associated with manure production, as well as emissions from the use of manure as fuel and sewage-related emissions reported in the waste sector. |
F. 关于在《消耗臭氧物质蒙特利尔议定书》下确立一套追踪制度的可行性研究 Feasibility study on the development of a system for tracking international trade in ozone-depleting substances |
一位赌场负责人说:“他们一心追求刺激,拉动吃角子老虎机之后,就急于想知道结果,那种患得患失的心情实在叫他们兴奋忘形。” “The action for them is the thrill of what’s going to happen in the next pull of that slot- machine handle,” said the head of one casino. |
一套义务论规则与为了管理程序本身所制定的文书一样有必要。 A set of deontological rules was just as necessary as the various instruments established to govern the proceedings themselves. |
这套为期五年总价值150亿美元的全套方案着重于提高对于信息技术机会的认识并从知识方面为政策建设和机构建设作出贡献;开发和培训人力资源;建立信息技术基础设施并促进信息技术在发展援助方面的利用。 This package, which totalled US$ 15 billion over a period of five years, focused on raising awareness of IT opportunities and contributing intellectually to policy- and institution-building; developing and training human resources; and building IT infrastructure and promoting the use of IT in development assistance. |
9 在卫生政策的制定方面,现有14套关于方案、协议、决议等的资料,这些资料反映国家在这一领域开展的活动情况。 � In terms of the formulation of health policies, there are 14 information packages on programmes, protocols, resolutions, etc. that reflect activities carried out by the State in this area. |
确切的说 , 是 一个 单 套结 扣 It's a bowline knot, to be exact. |
有关内容可包括: 监测、分析并评估世贸组织谈判的成果;以及评估谈判走向,以使各成员能心中有数地处理相关问题; 推进亚太经济一体化,将其作为多边贸易体制和全球经济的一大构件; 加强投资促进和企业发展方面的区域合作,包括就基础设施建设和提倡企业的社会责任方面建立公私营伙伴关系; 促进贸易与运输便利化; 支持区域内和区域间多式联运基础设施的建设与升级改造;随后将各种运输方式整合为一套多式联运网; 增强政府、私营部门和民间社团的能力并筹措其资源,设计并贯彻可持续的全球化政策和举措; 将道路安全活动的重点集中于搞一份区域宣言; 分析贸易、投资、运输、旅游、信通技术部门与减贫之间的联系。 c) Promoting regional cooperation in investment promotion and enterprise development, including public-private partnerships in infrastructure development and the promotion of corporate social responsibility |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.